Born 1973 in the south of the Holland , Arthur started making music in his early teens. After playing in different rock- and crossover bands, he emerged studying music therapy and art-management at the University in Nijmegen. Teaching refugees and troubled youth to play music so they would gain more self esteem and increase awareness. In his early twenties he established an interdisciplinary collective in Tilburg with a group of artists, while composing musicals for children directed by Peggy Oliesleagers. In 2000 Arthur founded the successful performance company T.R.A.S.H together with Kristel van Issum and Paul van Weert, with whom he went on to compose music for numerous performances and movies. Their productions toured extensively in Europe and Nothern America, while their movies reached South America and Asia. T.R.A.S.H. was supported by several festivals, theaters and production-houses in France, Germany and Italy. The work of T.R.A.S.H. has been honored by Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds, Magnol price (P) and Cinedance. From 2006 until 2010 Arthur deepened his composing skills by study counterpoint with professor Ivan Cryon (Royal Conservatory, Brussels). Recently he is also composing for ensembles (e.g. Nieuw Amsterdams Peil) and has just finished his fourth CD.
"Melodies and rhythms referring to East-European folk music, are beautifully alternated with guitar loops and sleek contra bass en violin passages, which sometimes makes you think of the film music by Ry Cooder (Paris, Texas) and Ennio Morricone." "In many T.r.a.s.h performances the music of the autodidact composer Arthur van der Kuip, specially makes you think of not yet discovered medieval music or folk music from an unknown country. By adding (live) electronics and loops, his music obtains a contemporary and timeless character. " Bert Palinckx, artistic director November Music
" with the beautiful, outrageous music of composer Arthur van der Kuip. Which allows the soprano and bass / baritone to make love with their voice and let a single cello melody rise from the sea of madness and lust like the sun above the Promised Land." Rinus van der Heijden, Brabants Dagblad.
"In particular, the classical music, with breitling replica influences from India, Africa, Russia and Bulgaria provides the performance a beautiful edge. The vocal trio of baritone, alto and soprano (João Paixão, Inbal Hever and Michal Bitan) is therefore important to support the seven dancers who show the unfortunate side of society. " Theatre Centre, Ivy Harkes